
Squares VS Circles

A fun mobile Puzzle Game, where you tap & turn Squares to defend against the incoming Circles.
Click / tap a square to put it in defensive position. Destroy all circles before they destroy you!


  1. tigger says:

    I don’t know if this game is playable… I seem to only be ale to advance the circle by tapping the square, but the square changes back to the flat side when I tap it… Is there another option I can make? or is the first level unbeatable?

  2. admin says:

    Hey tigger! The first level is just the tutorial. From what you’re describing, you’re doing everything right! I’ve just played level 1 again and it works just fine. Keep tapping the square, it will change position every time you tap it. When it says “Squares Won” then you’ve won the level. Good luck!

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